Episode 40 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 1)

Episode 40 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 1)

By Nicola Bonn

Often called ‘The Queen of flowers’, the rose can be either a symbol of purity with an innocent scent, or of wild passion, with a dash of accidental Roman murder thrown in for good measure. Either way, we’ve been obsessed by the scent of roses for centuries, with classical and contemporary perfumers alike vying to capture these magnificent blooms.

From Cleopatra’s carpet of petals to the rose fields of Grasse, from lipsticks to leather-clad naughtiness; love or hate the ingredient: we’re inviting you to indulge your fragrant fantasies and roll around in rose petals to your heart’s content… PS: We’ve SO many roses to explore we’re going to have to split this rose perfume special into two parts. Maybe three. Oh, let’s face it – it could be twenty if we chatter as much as usual, but whatever your favourite rose fragrance, we hope you enjoy!

@animavinciofficial Anima Vinci Rose Prana

Perfumer’s Workshop Tea Rose

@yslbeautyYSL Paris

@lancomeofficial Lancôme Tresor

@jomalonelondon Jo Malone Red Roses

@fredericmalle Frédéric Malle Lipstick Rose
Frédéric Malle Une Rose
Frédéric Malle Portrait of a Lady
Frédéric Malle Rose Cuir

@millerharris Miller Harris Rose Silence

@parlemoideparfum Parle Moi de Parfum Une Tonne de Roses

@floralstreet_ Neon Rose

@officialbyredo Byredo Rose of No Man’s Land

@lush Lush Rose Jam
Episode 40 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 1)
Episode 40 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 1)
On The Scent