Episode 41 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 2)

Episode 41 - Fragrant Focus: Rose (Part 2)

By Nicola Bonn

We had so many rose fragrances to talk about that there was no way that we could fit them all into one episode so welcome to rose part two. Suzy has a wonderfully varied list of rose fragrances to tantalise you, from deep, dark and smokey to light, frivolous and whimsical.
Here's what we talk about:
@paulsmithdesign Rose
@ostens_official Rose Oil Isparta
@jovoymayfair Rose Millésime
@chantecailleuk Derby Rose
@maisonfranciskurkdjian À La Rose
@parfumsdemarly Delina & Delina La Rosée
@cloonkeen Roisin Dubh
@etro ManRose
@moschino Toy Boy
@maisonfranciskurkdjian L’homme À La Rose
@penhaligons_london Halfetti
@ruthmastenbroekperfume Firedance
@lancomeofficial Rose Peonia
@matierepremiereparfums Radical Rose
@ateliermateri Rose Ardoise
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