AMR Trains: Breakthrough Women's Running

AMR Trains: Breakthrough Women's Running

By Another Mother Runner

Ready to focus on a running goal like your first half marathon or a Boston qualifying time? This podcast is for you! Dimity and co-host Sarah Wassner Flynn talk to two running experts: Neely Spence Gracey and Cindy Kuzma, co-authors of just-released Breakthrough Women’s Running: Dream Big and Train Smart, a comprehensive how-to guide on finding your own breakthrough as a runner. Among other things, the conversation covers: —The ideal timeline for achieving a goal (hint: it’s likely longer than you think!); —How setbacks often set you up for a breakthrough; —Why social media can actually be advantageous as you consider goals and dreams; and —The progress we’re (slowly) making towards giving pregnant runners sound advice. When you shop our sponsors, you help AMR. We appreciate your—and their—support!   Feel supported: Save 15% at with promo code HandfulAMR15 Pretty as…: Save 15% off your first order using promo code AMR at Hop to it: Save 25% off your first purchase at and use code AMR25 at checkout Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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