"The World is Down One Sick Rack" w/ DeAnne Smith - Ep. 236

"The World is Down One Sick Rack" w/ DeAnne Smith - Ep. 236

By Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQ Podcast for Everyone!

We made contact with comedian and writer DeAnne Smith (Netflix) from their underground Canadian bunker for an episode that will have you thinking about nipples, or the absence of them. DeAnne tells us about their recovery from top surgery, the overwhelming nipple considerations, and the sick rack they parted with. We also address Important Lesbian Questions like If you're friends with an ex, when can you call them a friend instead of your ex? How do you get over heartache? How can you use your assets to advance social justice causes? If you're in New York City, be sure to catch DeAnne's monthly show DeAnarchy at Union Hall! -Get extra content EACH WEEK, Ad Free episodes, support the pod, and get to know other listeners by joining our Patreon community. If you can't support the pod on a monthly basis, please consider tipping us through Paypal or purchasing 1-on-1s and cameos through Jemi. We truly appreciate it! -We've got MERCH. -For related content, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram -Help more folks find us and Leave Us a 5-star Review if you like what you hear! -Theme song by There Is No Mountain Sponsors: Carpe: mycarpe.com use code DYKINGOUT for 25% off your first purchase Helix: Helixsleep.com/dykingout for up to $200 off your purchase BetterHelp: As a listener, you’ll get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at betterhelp.com/do  Ana Luisa Jewelry is offering a special discount for our listeners. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
"The World is Down One Sick Rack" w/ DeAnne Smith - Ep. 236
"The World is Down One Sick Rack" w/ DeAnne Smith - Ep. 236
Dyking Out - a Lesbian and LGBTQIA Podcast for Everyone!