Sunburnt Light Junkies (SNW S1E3)

Sunburnt Light Junkies (SNW S1E3)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When Pike and Spock get trapped in the library of an Illyrian colony, the Enterprise crew locks down to contain a mysterious contagion burning through the ship. But while Dr. M’Benga’s secret turns out to be the cause of the outbreak, Una’s secret ends up being the cure. Did Ensign Lance’s flashlight come from the Blue Bloods prop box? Did Uhura kick her roomates’ asses off-screen? What do Andorian poops look like? It’s the episode giving very hot dome!

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Sunburnt Light Junkies (SNW S1E3)
Sunburnt Light Junkies (SNW S1E3)
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