Protecting Abortion Is Vital For The Economy
On this week’s episode of The Waves, Slate senior editor for Jurisprudence Nicole Lewis is joined by Slate Money co-host, and correspondent for Axios, Emily Peck to talk about the economic implications of overturning Roe v. Wade. A leaked Supreme Court draft opinion shows the court has the votes to abolish the constitutional right to abortion, which Roe established in 1973. Our hosts dig into all the ways ending abortion will undermine women’s economic gains and participation in the workforce, including gains that conservatives champion - like low rates of teenage motherhood, stable homes and being able to work and provide for yourself. And finally, they look at how eliminating the right to an abortion would disproportionately impact poor women and women of color.
Mentioned in the Episode:
“Overturning Roe Could Reverse Economic Gains” by Emily Peck
“The Horrifying Implications of Alito’s Most Alarming Footnote” by Dahlia Lithwick
National Network of Abortion Funds
In Slate Plus: Are Brazillian Butt Lifts feminist?
Nicole: The Netflix series Bonding.
Emily: All kinds of gummy candy, from bears to sour worms.
Podcast production by Cheyna Roth with editorial oversight by Shannon Palus and Alicia Montgomery.
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