47: The Best of Dark History: The Joanie Awards

47: The Best of Dark History: The Joanie Awards

By Audioboom Studios

Dark History. It seemed like such a simple concept. Let’s talk about the things from history people didn’t talk about. And boy did we do that. We talked of things that were uncomfortable, things that we’d never heard of, things that sounded too crazy to be true, and things that I couldn’t help but giggle at. Today we’re going to review all the stories, characters, and situations we’ve uncovered. And what’s the best way to do that, an award show of course! But not any old award show these are The Joanies. And beware, because most of this time these awards come with a cold, hard truth. 

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47: The Best of Dark History: The Joanie Awards
47: The Best of Dark History: The Joanie Awards
Dark History