#175: The Mind Games of The Pick-Me Girl Killer (Death of WePhone CEO)

#175: The Mind Games of The Pick-Me Girl Killer (Death of WePhone CEO)

By Stephanie Soo

When he was found dead at the bottom of a building in Beijing - the police found two notes of interest. His suicide note where he named his killer. That seemed odd?

And another note - a piece of paper that was handwritten. Where he had promised $2 million dollars to someone within the next 120 days.

Could that even be a real contract? Would a handwritten random note be used in the court of law? Why was this successful tech CEO so scared of losing $2 million dollars? Why had he promised it in the first place?

The answer will lead you to the person that pushed him off the edge of the building.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

#175: The Mind Games of The Pick-Me Girl Killer (Death of WePhone CEO)
#175: The Mind Games of The Pick-Me Girl Killer (Death of WePhone CEO)
Rotten Mango