237 - Reactance - Michele Belot

237 - Reactance - Michele Belot

By You Are Not So Smart

New research suggests people on opposite sides of wedge issues want to listen to each other. We are each eager to hear differing opinions and understand opposing views, and when we do it can change our minds (at least a little), but only when we aren't triggered by the psychological phenomenon of reactance - one of several ideas we explore in this episode.

How Minds Change: www.davidmcraney.com/howmindschangehome Newsletter: https://davidmcraney.substack.com/subscribe Show Notes: www.youarenotsosmart.com  Michèle Belot on Twitter: http://twitter.com/belotmichele

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237 - Reactance - Michele Belot
237 - Reactance - Michele Belot
You Are Not So Smart