240 - QAnon and Conspiracy Narratives (rebroadcast)

240 - QAnon and Conspiracy Narratives (rebroadcast)

By You Are Not So Smart

When we talk about conspiracy theories we tend to focus on what people believe instead of why, and, more importantly, why they believe those things and not other things. In this episode, we sit down with two psychologists working to change that, and in addition, change the term itself from conspiracy theory to conspiracy narrative, which more accurately describes what makes any one conspiracy appealing enough to form a community around it and in rare cases result in collective action.

How Minds Change: www.davidmcraney.com/howmindschangehome Show Notes: www.youarenotsosmart.com  Newsletter: https://davidmcraney.substack.com

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240 - QAnon and Conspiracy Narratives (rebroadcast)
240 - QAnon and Conspiracy Narratives (rebroadcast)
You Are Not So Smart