In the Fuck Candle Category (Lower Decks S3E3)

In the Fuck Candle Category (Lower Decks S3E3)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When an away mission sends the ensigns to clean up a science outpost’s mess, their pissing contest with the Carlsbad crew leads to some orb-related carelessness. But when the psychic mines start revealing the ensigns’ fantasies, they learn a lot about each other and their reputation among the Cali-class ships. WHO THE FUCK is Captain Murakami? Is there an acceptable shortcut to galactic exploration? What use is a teacher with no passion for the material? It’s the episode that’s not tolerating any DeSoto erasure!

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Music by Adam Ragusea

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In the Fuck Candle Category (Lower Decks S3E3)
In the Fuck Candle Category (Lower Decks S3E3)
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