5: Rosie Jones

5: Rosie Jones

By Audioboom Studios

Comedian Rosie Jones is someone who really does not let the turd they’ve been given hold them back in life. She’s toured the country, written amazing kids books, become a regular face on our TV screens, and can now tick off Glittering A Turd podcast guest.

She is an advocate for those with a disability and additional needs, as well as being an ally to other marginalised groups in society. Rosie is truly a force of nature and someone we should aspire all be a bit more like.

For all the news of when Rosie is on tour, or to hear about the next brilliant project she is putting out into the world visit her website - www.rosiejonescomedy.com

Don’t forget to give Kris a follow on Instagram to see video clips from the podcast as well as hearing about the work CoppaFeel! is currently doing, and you can find a link in her bio to buy her best selling book - www.instagram.com/howtoglitteraturd

Find out how you can become a fully fledged member of the Turd Glitterati on Patreon -  https://www.patreon.com/howtoglitteraturd

If you want to share the story of how you've glittered your turd, send a voice note or WhatsApp to the Turd Hotline >>> +44 (0)776 923 7544
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