Episode 6: Life's Laundry

Episode 6: Life's Laundry

By The Big Light

Winner of the Radio Times Award for TV Moment of the Year - the final episode of series 1 brings a fairground ride of emotions. Pauline, Jeanie and Marie Louise examine those things that just aren't talked about and discuss the secrets that we all keep in our search for acceptance. What was it like to be gay in 90's Derry? From dirty laundry to job interview tips and workplace training the girls build up to their own very personal reactions to that final award winning scene.

Shoes of the world has actually been written in The Habit - it actually exists https://www.joe.ie/movies-tv/school-derry-girls-actually-brought-habit-magazine-back-perfect-article-617924

How to sort out your weekly wash…. just ask Pauline on our Facebook page…

Gerry Anderson BBC Radio Ulster/ Radio Foyle legend - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p071wzdt/episodes/downloads

Jimmy McShane https://www.derryjournal.com/news/brother-derry-pop-star-speaks-aids-stigma-and-devastation-173719

Armistad Maupin - Tales of the City https://www.armisteadmaupin.com/books-1

Derry Gay Pride https://www.facebook.com/foylepride/

Jimmy McShane https://www.derryjournal.com/news/brother-derry-pop-star-speaks-aids-stigma-and-devastation-173719

Chronicle of events in Ireland during the years of the troubles CAIN - 1998 https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/othelem/chron/ch98.htm

Lost Lives book (very hard to get hold off but good to know it’s out there https://cain.ulster.ac.uk/issues/violence/mckittrick.htm

Children of the Troubles by Joe Duffy and Freya McClements https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/book-tracing-the-186-children-who-died-in-the-troubles-launched-1.4053136

Radio Times TV moment of the year 2018 https://www.radiotimes.com/news/tv/2018-12-31/top-tv-moments-2018/

A tribute album by various artists released after the Omagh bombing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Across_the_Bridge_of_Hope

For more information about the podcast, visit: www.thebiglight.com/talkingderrygirls

Keep up to date with us on Twitter: @TBLderrygirls

Check out our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/talkingderrygirls

WATCH Derry Girls on Channel 4: https://www.channel4.com


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Episode 6: Life's Laundry
Episode 6: Life's Laundry
Talking Derry Girls