Rawdafractory Period (Lower Decks S3E7)

Rawdafractory Period (Lower Decks S3E7)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When Peanut Hamper’s story continues with a crash landing on a backwater planet, she’s more C-3PO than Paul Sheldon to the owl people who find her. But when Rawda takes the wayward space box under his wing, the ancient secret he shares ends up changing the course of the planet. Does Tom Hanks not know how to land a plane? Has new goat-milking technology affected the Areore population? What did woke culture ruin this time? It’s the episode that has completed the pivot to multi-hyphenate podcast!

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Rawdafractory Period (Lower Decks S3E7)
Rawdafractory Period (Lower Decks S3E7)
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