244 - Quit - Annie Duke

244 - Quit - Annie Duke

By You Are Not So Smart

I recently sat down for a live event and Q&A with the great Annie Duke to discuss her new book, Quit: The power of knowing when to walk away. This episode is the audio from that event. Quit is all about how to develop a very particular skill: how to train your brain to make it easier to know which goals and plans are worth sticking to and which are not. 

- Toronto Live Event: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-minds-change-a-conversation-lab-with-david-mcraney-misha-glouberman-tickets-410047431907

- How Minds Change: www.davidmcraney.com/howmindschangehome

- Show Notes: www.youarenotsosmart.com

- Newsletter: https://davidmcraney.substack.com

- Annie Duke's Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnieDuke 


244 - Quit - Annie Duke
244 - Quit - Annie Duke
You Are Not So Smart