Human Trafficking in Hollywood and to the Ultra Rich featuring Sula

Human Trafficking in Hollywood and to the Ultra Rich featuring Sula

By Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Ready to hear a testimony and story of victory? Today's guest on Discovering Truth is, none other than, Sula Lael! She is the author of Fighting for Your Purpose, where she details the story she'll be telling us today. In this episode, we talk about human trafficking, her story of overcoming, and her organization that helps sex trafficked survivors escape. In this episode, we talk about: Sula's experience with human traffickingEncounters with demonsSula's inner worldHer programmersSula's "handler boyfriend" The process of deliveranceSula encountering God in the moment of surrenderHuman trafficking and its occult connection.Sula's organization Make sure to check out Sula’s book Fighting for Your Purpose: Take Flight Survivors is Sula's organization:
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