Elevating Your Marriage Without Fear & Uncertainty with Melanie and Seth Studley

Elevating Your Marriage Without Fear & Uncertainty with Melanie and Seth Studley

By Larry Hagner

"Only married people can understand how you can be miserable and happy at the same time." That's a quote from one of my favorite comedians, Chris Rock.

Only married people can understand how you can be miserable and happy at the same time. That's a quote from one of my favorite comedians, Chris Rock. Our marriage is the most important relationship we have in our lives. It's also the most complicated and dynamic. Today, my two guests will share how we can elevate our marriage, our connection, and our communication without fear and uncertainty.

Seth Studley. He is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and his wife Melanie Studley. She's a marriage expert and a motivational speaker. They are changing the face of relationship advice with their podcast, along with their resources, and it's called The Anatomy of Us.

Seth and Melanie know firsthand what it takes to change and heal, and they are using their knowledge to make the resources they wish they had 13 years ago when Melanie gave Seth a black eye. They merge hard earned relationship advice with raw and real teaching to approach and transform the marriages of their podcast listeners and their coaching clients, helping couples all over the world to create the fulfilling relationship that they deserve.

The Studley's talk about how we can take personal accountability and extreme ownership as the first step to healing any relationship and marriage. Vel, how escaping with porn, alcohol, or other distractions is actually not the issue, but the symptom of an underlying complication that's not being addressed.

Show Notes


Elevating Your Marriage Without Fear & Uncertainty with Melanie and Seth Studley
Elevating Your Marriage Without Fear & Uncertainty with Melanie and Seth Studley
The Dad Edge Podcast