Successful Leadership Through Overcoming Unbeatable Odds with Jeff LoVecchio

Successful Leadership Through Overcoming Unbeatable Odds with Jeff LoVecchio

By Larry Hagner

Leaders are not exempt from adversity and obstacles. In fact, if anything, leaders have a larger target on our backs when it comes to challenges. If you're listening to this podcast, that means you are a dad and or husband, and that makes you a leader. Today, my guest, Jeff LoVecchio, former professional hockey player, shares his journey as a leader in the NHL, the adversity he faced, and how he led himself and his team despite his challenges and the success that came from it.

Jeff LoVecchio is a former professional hockey player and personal trainer. He grew up in my backyard, St. Louis. Through hard work and dedication, self-discipline, he willed himself into a division one scholarship at Western Michigan University.

After 3 years at Western Michigan University, he signed with the Boston Bruins for 3 years before being traded to the Florida Panthers, Providence Bruins, Florida Panthers for their AHL team for a season and a half. 

Unfortunately, he sustained multiple injuries, including multiple concussions and it was decided that it would be best for his career and longevity to start playing overseas. Then over the next six years he was fortunate enough to play in the top leagues in Italy, Norway, Austria and Asia, living in places that had different values and societal norms than what we are accustomed to over in the U.S.

Show Notes:

Successful Leadership Through Overcoming Unbeatable Odds with Jeff LoVecchio
Successful Leadership Through Overcoming Unbeatable Odds with Jeff LoVecchio
The Dad Edge Podcast