Episode 50: Extra extras! PART 1

Episode 50: Extra extras! PART 1

By The Big Light

Back in November 2021 the TDG's were given the honour of appearing as extras in an episode of the show. 

It gave them exclusive behind the scenes insights into the making of the programme itself. The casting, the costumes, the make up and locations. All very exciting and all top secret. Now to celebrate their 50th episode the time has come to share that day and ponder just how right or wrong their storyline theories were. 

With no idea where their scene would fit into the finished series the girls were left to speculate what the heck was going on. 

Just how difficult was it to look like they belonged in the 90's and could they contain their grief at a funeral? A funeral where they didn't actually know who had died… or did they?

The Nerve Centre: nervecentre.org/

The Hidden Cafe: www.derrynow.com/news/derry-news/826350/derry-hidden-gem-cafe-wins-top-awardat-ni-hospitality-awards-2022.html

other episodes 

Ep 32 - Us sayin nathin - not long after we’d discovered we’d been invited to be extras in Series 3

Ep 41 - Halloween - talking about series 3 Ep 6 

For more information about Talking Derry Girls, go to: www.thebiglight.com/talkingderrygirls

Episode 50: Extra extras! PART 1
Episode 50: Extra extras! PART 1
Talking Derry Girls