On the Scent with Emmanuelle Moeglin & Experimental Perfume Club

On the Scent with Emmanuelle Moeglin & Experimental Perfume Club

By Nicola Bonn

Emmanuelle Moeglin revolutionised our experience of scent by throwing open the doors of her London perfumery lab and welcoming people inside. From the initial workshops, where you can play and learn about perfumery through to creating @experimentalperfumeclub fragrances we can wear alone or mix, ourselves, at home; and an amazing boutique in Covent Garden - we are huge fans of this inclusive indie house.

Fresh from a press event celebrating the three newest launches, we were so happy to talk in-depth with Emmanuelle herself in this joyously expressive episode!

The three new Essential Collection fragrances we discuss are:

Tonka SesameCardamom Moss Cedarwood Absinth
Signature Collection: Tonka Extraordinaire

Visit the Experimental Perfume Club boutique in person:
53 Monmouth Street, London WC2H 9DG
Explore the entire fragrance collection, and learn about their Academy workshops and online perfumery courses here:

Thank you!
Love it!


On the Scent with Emmanuelle Moeglin & Experimental Perfume Club
On the Scent with Emmanuelle Moeglin & Experimental Perfume Club
On The Scent