One Thing with Alice Olins on how to have confidence in challenging times

One Thing with Alice Olins on how to have confidence in challenging times

By Anna Mathur

On this guest episode of The Therapy Edit, Anna chats to the founder of Step Up Club, Alice Olins. Alice's One Thing is not to fear challenging time, a poignant and reassuring message as we head into a New Year.

Step Up Club was built on a foundation of openness, inclusivity, individual focus, empathy and a female-focused community spirit, Step Up Club empowers everyday women like you to unlock their best, happiest selves.

You can find out more about Step Up Club here and they've given listeners a free month in the club using code TTEONEFREE - Here's the link to sign up

Alice is also the author of the best selling book: Step Up: Confidence, success and your stellar career in 10 minutes a day.
You can buy it here
One Thing with Alice Olins on how to have confidence in challenging times
One Thing with Alice Olins on how to have confidence in challenging times
The Therapy Edit