113 - Busting / Little Darlings / Julia

113 - Busting / Little Darlings / Julia

By Video Archives Podcast

Quentin & Roger join LAPD’s Vice Squad with Peter Hyams’ Busting! Starring Elliott Gould & Robert Blake, these two LA vice cops find themselves up against corrupt superiors when they try to bring a crime boss to justice. The duo discuss where Busting fits into Hyams’ career, how the film walks the line, and how the action sequences predate 80s Hong Kong cinema.

Next up, the bet is on in Little Darlings. Two fifteen year old girls from different walks of life compete to see who can lose their virginity first at summer camp. Tatum O’Neal and Kristy McNichol star in an unexpectedly realistic portrayal of female youth in the 1980s. We’ll explore what it means for a girl to become a woman, the anxieties of keeping up with your peers, and the beautiful Paramount Home Video box. Lastly, there’s more to do than ski in the Swiss Alps, especially when it comes to the psychosexual romp Julia. Roger & Quentin dive headfirst into the tale of a sexually frustrated young man named Patrick whose problems come to a head on his Swiss vacation.


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113 - Busting / Little Darlings / Julia
113 - Busting / Little Darlings / Julia
The Video Archives Podcast with Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary