251 - Come up for Air - Nick Sonnenberg
Nick Sonnenberg doesn’t believe there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. That’s because when his business was in crisis mode, he developed a framework for eliminating inefficiencies and preventing the sort of metawork – working on working – that leads to scavenger hunts and meetings that could be emails, and for that matter, email runarounds that get everyone ever farther from inbox zero. He turned that framework into a consultancy business, and put it all together in a new book for people who feel underwater titled Come up For Air.
Come Up For Air: https://comeupforair.comNick’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nick_sonnenbergHow Minds Change: www.davidmcraney.com/howmindschangehomeDavid McRaney’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidmcraneyYANSS Twitter: https://twitter.com/notsmartblogShow Notes: www.youarenotsosmart.comNewsletter: https://davidmcraney.substack.com