Advanced Stats and Jonathan Taylor Positives

Advanced Stats and Jonathan Taylor Positives

By Blue Wire

Dave Caban and Curtis Patrick overview advanced stats for rookie passers and Najee Harris and share some positives for Jonathan Taylor's rest of season outlook... The RotoViz Fantasy Football Show is powered by RotoViz Radio. HOSTS Dave Caban (@davecabanff) – RotoViz Co-Owner  Curtis Patrick (@CPatricknfl) – RotoViz Co-Owner  The RotoViz Fantasy Football Show A RotoViz podcast covering all things fantasy football, hosted by Dave Caban and Curtis Patrick SPONSORS RotoViz- RotoViz Radio listeners can save 10% off of a 1-year RotoViz subscription at  or by applying the discount code 'rvradio2021' at checkout. SHOW NOTES Email:  Voice Mail: (978)-615-9214 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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