78. (Special episode) Recovering from burn out and people pleasing with Poppy Jamie
Hi Everyone! Firstly, thank you so much for tuning into this podcast, I don't thank you all enough and my gratitude is endless. You allow me to carry this podcast on and it's been truly life changing to record these conversations for you all so thank you. As you may know, my very first book, Happy Not Perfect: Upgrade Your Mind, Challenge Your Thoughts and Free Yourself From Anxiety is coming out in 3 days!! I am equal parts terrified and excited. If you've enjoyed the show then I would appreciate any pre-orders.
Please pre-order (Amazon UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Happy-Not-Perfect-Challenge-Thoughts/dp/1529339162
Amazon USA: https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Not-Perfect-Challenge-Thoughts-ebook/dp/B089S7JGFH
Signed copy: (Waterstones) https://www.waterstones.com/book/happy-not-perfect/poppy-jamie//9781529373905?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5PGFBhC2ARIsAIFIMNc8B8Pbb1_QagUfv4PNyC51cjeFACmE4nBN0AcMI8FCMwb7oQqBCX8aArQvEALw_wcB&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5PGFBhC2ARIsAIFIMNc8B8Pbb1_QagUfv4PNyC51cjeFACmE4nBN0AcMI8FCMwb7oQqBCX8aArQvEALw_wcB
Or more book retailers here: www.poppyjamie.com
In light of my book launch, I wanted to record a special episode about the book and turn the microphone the other way. This week I will be interviewed by a wonderful old friend of mine (who is also an author), Genelle Aldred. Genelle Aldred is a former newsreader and journalist for BBC, ITN and ITV, she now runs GA\C a communications consultancy helping people, brands and organisations with their communications.
Her book, Communication and Social Justice is out in September.
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