What It Takes To Help Our Kids Start Their Dream Business with John Benzick

What It Takes To Help Our Kids Start Their Dream Business with John Benzick

By Larry Hagner

John Benzick is a serial entrepreneur and the owner in at least 3 startups since 2000. He’s worked with companies like McDonald’s Best Buy, and Hershey. John feels led to help the next generation of kids reach their dreams, and recently authored the book Eli’s Lemonade Startup.

Entrepreneurs often get caught up in business, but John knows the importance of making time for family. He and his wife have a blended family of four children, one of whom is their biological son. They understand  having fun together is essential for building strong relationships with their kids.

In this episode, Larry and John explore how to provide for your family, without getting lost in the busy, day to day hustle.

Show Notes


John’s book: https://venturesuperfly.com/


What It Takes To Help Our Kids Start Their Dream Business with John Benzick
What It Takes To Help Our Kids Start Their Dream Business with John Benzick
The Dad Edge Podcast