522: I’ll Just Keep You for Ten Years
Pre-show: Marco is living the true Land Rover experience
TFL Offroad
Your Daily Lex
The foibles of a 2.1 setup (via Samuel Polay)
Sony HT-A9 & SA-SW5
Video review
Bundle on Amazon
What’s the ∆ between Apple TVs? (via Andy Galletly)
An Unsolicited Streaming App Spec
Streaming App Sentiments
Current vs. Previous-Gen Apple TV 4K
YouTube video
Identify your Apple TV model
imessage-exporter (via Christopher Sardegna)
Google Takeout
Apple dropping Product Design Chief role
Mac Studio is one-and-done?
Jason’s post
Does subscribing to a dead show cause burden on Overcast? (via Scott Wright)
Would a 8 × 64 GB MacBook read data 8× faster than a single 512 GB MacBook? (via John Susek)
How do we handle unknown callers? (via b4rt0s1k)
Post-show: The Liss family has finally fallen (but are okay though)
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