Navigating matrescence with ADHD

Navigating matrescence with ADHD

By Kate Moryoussef

Matrescence may be a terminology you're not too familiar with, but if you're a mother, you'll fully understand its meaning.

Today's guest is Gemma Mercer, a transformation coach for mothers and Matrescence Educator. Gemma coaches women individually and in the workplace, helping them merge their ambitions, roles and responsibilities when juggling family life.

She believes becoming a mother doesn’t mean we need to lose our self and she supports women to ditch the should-do’s, regain control, rediscover their self-identity and redefine what they want from life… now that they are also Mum.

During today's conversation, Gemma and Kate talk about:

What "Matrescence" meansGemma's ADHD journeyWorking in a patriarchal environmentThe idea of "having it all" as a mother Reasons you might not be coping with everything motherhood bringsTrauma and ADHDSeeing our ADHD traits in our kidsHow motherhood changes you/your careerNavigating new careers in matrescence Getting to know ourselves after having a babyThe challenges of being an ADHD motherMotherhood and workplace burnout Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Join Kate's latest LIVE workshop - Tapping into Your ADHD Gold, on 14th March at 12 pm UK. Click here to find out more and save your space.

Big thanks to our new sponsor, The Herbtender. To order a free trial of The Herbtender products, here are the links:

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Calm and Collected supplement -

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Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed yet unfulfilled (many with ADHD like her) women find more calm, balance, health, compassion, creativity and clarity in their lives. 

Have a look at some of Kate's free resources here.

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Have a read of Kate’s articles in ADDitude magazine here

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