The Ultimate Stranger (Picard S3E4)

The Ultimate Stranger (Picard S3E4)

By Uxbridge-Shimoda LLC

When Riker concedes to the inevitability of the Titan being crushed by the gravity well of a nebula, he suggests that Picard use his final hours to fire up the holodeck and get to know the son that didn’t want to know him.  But when Dr. Crusher recognizes contraction patterns in the light bangers they’ve been experiencing, the crew will have to hold their breath as they're birthed out of a space womb. Did Shaw put Riker in charge to avoid going down with the ship? Who gets dibs on the last wishes machine? Will anybody offer Beverly a seat? It’s the episode that leaves a super awkward voicemail message.

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The Ultimate Stranger (Picard S3E4)
The Ultimate Stranger (Picard S3E4)
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