Minipod - Brilliant Bronzing, Clothes that Actually Fit and Some Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas

Minipod - Brilliant Bronzing, Clothes that Actually Fit and Some Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas

By Global Media & Entertainment

In this week's Minipod I talk about the clothes shop that has finally delivered the jeans of my dreams (clue: it's high street and they were less than £50).
I also mention a bronzing water that I can't get enough of, an iconic lip balm that is way out performing the rest and go through a few last minute ideas for Mother's Day. (I realise that this is a day that not everyone celebrates but if you are looking to celebrate an important friend, mentor, relative or indeed your mum then I've got you covered).
Minipod - Brilliant Bronzing, Clothes that Actually Fit and Some Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas
Minipod - Brilliant Bronzing, Clothes that Actually Fit and Some Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas
Outspoken Beauty