Elder Tarik Ricard EL , Elder Ray Fauntroy

Elder Tarik Ricard EL , Elder Ray Fauntroy

By BeverlyD

ELDER RAY FAUNTROY: FOUNDER THE GRASSROOTS ASSEMBLY (TPGA) A NEW DAY-A NEW WAY Tarik El is a lay researcher and information archivist. He received his training in anatomy, physiology and allopathic medical nursing in Stockholm $y$tem to it's knees& all the needtogrows., Branding themselves not connected to any nation/people or nationality, calling themselves  B lack=etymology  Bleac=bleached or pale, as they have become thru degeneration!  Now the scramble is on to get the melanin for the Computer chips as it has become known how magnificent our natural Copper complexion ($) basis, our 12 centers of melanin are in our bodies, to those,  who are Armed to the hilt with all manner of weaponry!   Did you hear?  Mikey Death, killed  MURDER KING in front of Poop Eyes  over that Slut Wendy! Carl's casket is providing the Funeral services at K.F.C.emetary You going?  I'm taking the subway!
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