Dr Rhonda Patrick (Dealing With Depression)

Dr Rhonda Patrick (Dealing With Depression)

By Russell Brand

Russell chats to Dr Rhonda Patrick, a biomedical scientist and host of the FoundMyFitness podcast, about the benefits of saunas, hot baths and exercise to deal with depression. They also chat about the benefits of lactic acid on the brain and why vitamin D helps against aging. Before that, Russell chats to Stella Assange, a lawyer and the wife of Julian Assange, about the Wikileaks exhibition in London from March 24th to April 8th.

Find out more about Dr. Rhonda Patrick, here: https://www.foundmyfitness.com/about-dr-rhonda-patrick 

Find out more about the Wikileaks Exhibition, here: https://dissent.art/states-of-violence-exhibition-in-london-march-24-2023-to-april-8-2023/ 

WATCH the FULL INTERVIEW over on my Rumble show: https://rumble.com/v2ea4uu-they-hate-you-fauci-confronted-and-why-trump-is-too-popular-096-stay-free-w.html 

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