

By Tom Eames and Morgan Jeffery

Grab your Golden Joystick and give it a waggle, it's time to travel back to the 1990s and remember the underrated Channel 4 TV show, Gamesmaster.

From Dominik Diamond's various incarnations, his brief Hollywood replacement and how Mario 64 brought down one of the show's cult heroes, we embrace our 'dweeb' 12-year-old selves by delving into the classic TV series.

We also discuss:

The utter basics of Sonic the HedgehogPatrick Moore's many talentsHow Gamesmaster was the precursor to YouTube, eSports and TwitchThe fine art of knob gagsThe popstar whose proudest moment was winning a Golden JoystickThe surprisingly sad endingMuch more!

Clips used:

Gamesmaster (Channel 4)Gamesmaster 2021 (E4/YouTube)

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