Essential Football special - Man Utd's decade in the dark: 10 years without a Premier League trophy

Essential Football special - Man Utd's decade in the dark: 10 years without a Premier League trophy

By Sky Sports

On a special edition of Essential Football 10 years almost to the day since Manchester United were last crowned Premier League champions, Zinny Boswell joins Ron Walker to discuss the club's lost decade in the dark.

Despite spending just shy of £1.5bn on players in that time, United have failed to reach the heights set by Sir Alex Ferguson - and fresh from writing a feature-length piece on 10 years of false dawns, Zinny charts where it's all gone wrong for the club in that time.

Featuring insight from inside and out of Old Trafford and interviews with former assistant manager Rene Muelensteen as well as long-time Guardian Man Utd correspondent Jamie Jackson - the man who elicited THAT 'Respect!' rant from Jose Mourinho, this is the story of Manchester United: A decade in the dark.

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