The Eyes Have It!

The Eyes Have It!

By Global Media & Entertainment

*This episode is in partnership with Avon*

In this episode I'm joined by Avon who have just launched their incredible new eye product, Anew Power Eye Cream.

We start the episode with Clinical Dermatologist Dr Zoya Diwan who takes us on a deep dive into the ins and outs of the skin around our eyes and why we need to treat it differently to the rest of our faces. Zoya gives such a great insight into how to keep our delicate eye area as healthy as possible and also delves into a recent trial that she did with her own patients and the Anew Power Eye Cream. (The results are brilliant).

Next I get a bit nerdy with Avon's Global skincare Development Scientist, Dr. Anthony Gonzalez. Anthony is one of the people who led the team that developed the Power Eye Cream and the science is truly incredible. He tells us about why it took many years to develop this product and how the combination of ingredients in the cream make it a real game changer on a number of levels. (It contains Protinol which I have talked about before and has been proven to build collagen 1 and 3).

Finally we hear from some of the Outspoken Beauty Panellists who have also been trialling the Power Eye Cream and give their honest opinions about what it has done for them.

This is such an interesing episode with a combination of skin education, science and a focus on a product that not only makes a difference to the skin and has years of robust science behind it but that is also affordable...the perfect combination.

If you have any questions following the episode feel free to DM me @outspokenbeautynicola and if you want to check out Anew Power Eye Cream you can find it here .

The Eyes Have It!
The Eyes Have It!
Outspoken Beauty