830: Terry Crews | On Hollywood, Harassment, and Healing

830: Terry Crews | On Hollywood, Harassment, and Healing

By Jordan Harbinger

Terry Crews (@terrycrews) is a beloved cinema and television star, furniture designer, artist, philanthropist, activist, former NFL player, and author. His most recent book is Tough: My Journey to True Power.

What We Discuss with Terry Crews: How Terry prioritizes mental and physical health through exercise, nutrition, and rest. What Terry has learned about the power of forgiveness and how it can help to break cycles of anger and resentment — on an individual and societal level. How staying true to ourselves and pursuing what we love — even in the face of risking failure or criticism — allows us to make a positive impact on ourselves as well as the world. Terry's views on personal accountability as a crucial component of growth and change, and how taking responsibility for our actions allows us to become the best versions of ourselves. The importance of empathy and understanding toward people with different perspectives and backgrounds, and the need to engage in respectful dialogue while seeking common values. And much more...

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