Gamifying credit scores for the unbanked, with Yatir Zaluski, Niharika Bhargava, and Jacobus Eksteen (ConfirmU)

Gamifying credit scores for the unbanked, with Yatir Zaluski, Niharika Bhargava, and Jacobus Eksteen (ConfirmU)

By Brendan le Grange

I've worked in consumer credit for 20 years, but I think the first time that I heard of anybody trying to use a psychometric-based scorecard for making credit decisions was over a few beers with my friend Sam, who has a psychology degree and works in marketing. And I dismissed that because I figured these aren't my customers. In many ways, though, the fact that they weren’t my customers, as a traditional lender, was the problem.

In this episode, I look at how ConfirmU - the fintech that I have recently joined as Chief Solution Architect - is using elements of psychometrics and gamification to build credit scores for the unbanked, without the need for credit histories, smartphones, or technical literacy.

You can learn more about ConfirmU at their website, or by reaching out directly to Yatir by emailing or by finding him on his LinkedIn

Niharika is on LinkedIn, too, or you can click to learn more about her stand-alone psychometric business - Psych4u

Matogen Applied Insights have their homepage here, or you can once again find Jacobus on LinkedIn.

You can learn more about myself, Brendan le Grange, on my LinkedIn page 

If you have any feedback, questions, or if you would like to participate in the show, please feel free to reach out to me at

A full written transcript with timestamps can be found on HowtoLendMoneytoStrangers.Show

You can also find my pulpy action-adventure novels in all their formats on Amazon

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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