Episode 24: Time for the creative industry to stop promoting pollution with Duncan Meisal, Director at Clean Creatives

Episode 24: Time for the creative industry to stop promoting pollution with Duncan Meisal, Director at Clean Creatives

By canmarketingsavetheplanet

“It’s critical brands consider the supply chain of their ideas.”

The evidence is clear that with responsibility for 75% of carbon pollution, the fossil fuel industry is the number one cause of climate change.  Yet, following COP26 - and our increased awareness of the catastrophic impact the industry is having on the planet, the urgency to  transition to clean energy is still lacking.

In this episode Gemma and I speak with Duncan Meisal, Director at Clean Creatives - an organisation dedicated to encouraging brands, agencies and creatives to reject working with the fossil fuel industry - providing data, facts, statistics and support.  

Tune in to hear us discuss how the advertising and public relations industry is facing its biggest corporate social responsibility challenge since the war over tobacco advertising and consider a number of headwinds the fossil fuel industry needs to weather; changes in consumer awareness and appetite, conflicting and confusing ‘green energy’ statements hampering behavourial change, greenwashing and of course, the pursuit of creative talent. 

Duncan shares ... “We have invented all the technology we need for cleaner energy. We don’t need any new oil wells or gas pipelines. The transition needs to start.”

And whilst some would argue that the transition has started, in reality it’s only a fraction of the focus for the industry. As recently as 2019, major oil companies spent over 99% of their capital expenditures on further development of oil and  gas projects.  Of course, the picture painted by agencies for fossil fuel companies is awash with greenwash - and this is why the marketing and advertising industry has a critical role to play - pivotal in balancing industrial policy and individual choice.

When it comes to accountability and the need for transition, in reality 7 million people die from air pollution every year - a sadly staggering number.  Hence the courageous ‘F List’ , a public list ‘calling out’ the agencies supporting the biggest climate polluters on the planet by developing misleading and confusing ‘green campaigns’.

This 28 minute podcast is a hugely important and informative conversation - and with practical takeaways for agencies and brands by visiting www.cleancreatives.org/start.  For us this first episode of 2022 - starts as we mean to go on, marking a focus on  taking action and practical application.

Find out more information about Duncan, his work and Clean Creatives visit www.cleancreatives.org - and any comments, questions, ideas, suggestions related to the podcast, Get in touch.

Due to the COVID19 situation, our podcasts are currently being recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

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