Part 2: The Role of ‘Greener Marketing’ in Evolving Marketing and Driving Societal Change - John Grant, Author and the definitive ‘green marketing guy’.

Part 2: The Role of ‘Greener Marketing’ in Evolving Marketing and Driving Societal Change - John Grant, Author and the definitive ‘green marketing guy’.

By canmarketingsavetheplanet

John's been a marketer in 'green world' for decades. In this insight packed podcast he shares his experience and views around the many 'evil's of marketing' - and what the alternatives could look like. What if we simply ban the BS and go 'dark' - effectively, removing the 'voice'? And how do we move away from making normal things seem green, to making green things seem normal? We discuss where marketing sits strategically, the challenge of commercial balance and desire, purpose led marketing and whether purpose has become a bit of a panacea - and whether good marketing excuses bad stuff - and how we move towards a more considered approach starting with the question, 'What's the decent thing to do?'... With so much to explore, we split the podcast into two and will release Part 2 next week. Tune in to Part 1 - here... And tell us what you think. How can marketing be different?

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