The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids with The Dude Dad

The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids with The Dude Dad

By Larry Hagner

Taylor Calmus, also known as ‘Dude Dad’, is a husband, father, and social media influencer who shares his insights and experiences on fatherhood and men's health and wellness. He joined Larry on The Dad Edge Podcast to talk about the importance of finding humor in fatherhood, balancing parenting with a strong marriage, and aligning parenting styles.

He was an aspiring actor in Los Angeles when his wife became pregnant. To provide for his family, he combined his hobby of making videos with fatherhood and created Dude Dad, a platform for sharing the joys and challenges of parenting through comedic content. He also hosts the Super Dad DIY show, inspiring other dads to create backyard projects for their kids.

Parenting can be stressful and overwhelming, but being creative and having fun with your children can make it a more enjoyable and rewarding experience. Taylor's approach to parenting is a great example of how to have fun while still providing a safe and nurturing environment for the children. He and his wife, Heidi, also prioritize their relationship by having weekly date nights where they connect and have meaningful conversations.

Taylor emphasizes the importance of keeping a strong connection with your partner while parenting. By aligning parenting styles and having open communication, couples can ensure they are on the same page and support each other in their parenting journey.

In conclusion, parenting can be a positive and enjoyable experience when approached with creativity and humor. Take cues from Taylor's approach and prioritize your relationship with your partner to make the parenting journey a more fulfilling one.



The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids with The Dude Dad
The Balance Of Raising 4 Kids with The Dude Dad
The Dad Edge Podcast