E582 Ask Nick - Blowjobs Are Ending My Dates

E582 Ask Nick - Blowjobs Are Ending My Dates

By Nick Viall

Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We’re back to answer your burning questions about the world of dating and relationships. Before getting to our callers, we talk about an engaged man in Vegas who was buying women drinks and potentially trying to cheat on his fiancée (a week before his wedding). We then read an email from a listener who isn’t sure if she can handle her ex moving in with her childhood friends. 

Our first caller has a pattern of her dates “finishing” too soon. Recently, she’s had three separate instances of guys seeming like they’re into her and wanting to pursue her, only until they hook up and she’s left feeling unsatisfied and confused. We dive into a conversation about modern dating and hook up culture, and when is the right time to have sex with someone you’re dating. Our second caller has been dating her boyfriend for five years, but is worried that they’re too young to be getting married. There’s also been some issues surrounding trust in their relationship after his mistakes, but only she has started therapy because of it. Our final caller is fighting over childcare with her husband - they both work from home and could use some help, but he doesn’t want to reach out to his parents and instead insists that they should be doing everything themselves. 

“You should expect very little from these guys.” 

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E582 Ask Nick - Blowjobs Are Ending My Dates
E582 Ask Nick - Blowjobs Are Ending My Dates
The Viall Files