Getting mixed signals? The myth of finding 'the one'

Getting mixed signals? The myth of finding 'the one'

By Alex Melia

Samuel had just made a number of significant changes in his life following the pandemic. He had changed jobs, moved house and left a 4-your relationship. It was to his great surprise then that on a night out at the pub, he thought that he had found “the one”. 

She was petite and blonde, just his type. She also shared his taste in music and films. The similarities were so extreme that they even had the same birthday. Samuel asked for the woman’s number and they proceeded to have their first date. It was perfect. But, after such a good start, “the one” began pulling away.

What was the reason for her change of heart? And how did it make Samuel feel as a man to see someone he was so fond of begin to drift away?

Alex Melia, and the Stories of Men team are on a mission to uncover what it means to live an independent and meaningful life. We'll be sharing this knowledge with you every week.

We’d like to extend our appreciation to today’s guest, Samuel. His willingness to talk about his own vulnerabilities and insecurities demonstrates true courage and is greatly appreciated. It also provides a vital part of the puzzle as we try to piece together what it means to be a man in today’s world.

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