How Would You Use the Suicide Squad (2016) to Stop Superman?

How Would You Use the Suicide Squad (2016) to Stop Superman?

By Sanspants Radio

It would really suck if Superman peeled off the roof of the White House and stole the President and flew him in a figure 8 above the White House. What’s that? Superman peeled off the roof of the White House and stole the President and now he’s flying the President in a figure 8 above the White House? Doesn’t he know he’ll make the President dizzy! That’s one of the top 5 things you shouldn’t do to a President! Thankfully we have a Suicide Squad to save the day! Deadshot shot Superman once so surely he can do it again? Enchantress can maybe possess Superman but is this worse for humanity? Either way we have some harebrained schemes to save our beloved President from their dizzy fate from Doomsdaying the whole Squad, to pushing Harley off a building, to getting a gun that fires swords. Right now we have a very important mission and there are no bad ideas. Up to and including voting Killer Croc for president of New America.

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How Would You Use the Suicide Squad (2016) to Stop Superman?
How Would You Use the Suicide Squad (2016) to Stop Superman?
Plumbing the Death Star