Jeff Depatie: Special Forces Soldier on Post Traumatic Growth, Mental Toughness, & Purpose

Jeff Depatie: Special Forces Soldier on Post Traumatic Growth, Mental Toughness, & Purpose

By Matthew Belair

Jeff Depatie is is a former JTF2 Combat Sniper and is currently the Chief Course Architect of The Special Forces Experience.

As a former tier 1 special forces soldier, he has refocused his form of service to dedicate his life to exploring the problem of PTSD and how we can turn life’s adversities into opportunities for new life and personal growth.Β 

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Show Notes:

- Difficulties in Meeting Needs Due to Societal Structures

- Need to Shift towards a System that Rewards Health and Wellness

- Importance of Self-Care and Attunement

- Direct Experiences that Change a Person for the Better are Valuable

- Observing One's Inner World through Meditation

- Option to Lose Connection with God and Oneself

- Balancing Knowing and Working towards Solutions

- Personal Experiences with Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences

- Importance of Expanding Consciousness and Conquering Fear

- Looking at Oneself and Tugging at Patterns for Personal Growth

- Society Conditions Individuals and Creates Cycles of Fear-Based Thinking

- Need to Balance Access to Extreme Bliss and Fear

- Three Levels of Consciousness: Conscious, Subconscious, and Unconscious

- Importance of Interaction with the Unconscious Mind

- Walls around Emotions Limit the Use of Emotions as a Tool

- Love as a Stronger Motivator than Fear

- Aligning Values to Move towards Alignment with the Universe and One's Own Soul

- Importance of Giving the Nervous System Time to Recoup and Decompress

- Potential for Positive Change and More Consciousness Feedback Loops

- Importance of Meaningful Conversations and Exploring Deeper Topics

- Personal Experience of Being Supported by a Higher Power in Uncertain Times.


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