Roundtable: The ROGUE PANEL! from PodCon!

Roundtable: The ROGUE PANEL! from PodCon!

By Elena Fernández Collins | Hug House Productions

Ayla Taylor, the director of Tides, convened a panel of audio dramatists during 2019's PodCon—but this EXCLUSIVE EVENT wasn't at PodCon itself; no, no!

It was held at the marvelous Ada's Technical Books and Cafe in Seattle's Capitol Hill. Only about 40 people could squeeze into the space, so with everyone's permission, we are bringing YOU this super secret panel, because information deserves to be FREEEEEEEE.

This event, entitled "An Evening with Audio Drama Creators", featured the following speakers:

Ayla Taylor of Tides (

Mischa Stanton of The Whisperforge ( and Levar Burton Reads (

Bridget "Bridge" Geene of Tides and Arden (

Lisette Alvarez of Kalila Stormfire's Economical Magick Services (

Jordan Cobb of Here be Dragons ( and Janus Descending (

James Oliva of What's the Frequency (, Greater Boston (, and many more,

and Jeffrey Gardner of Hartlife NFP (Our Fair City [] , Unwell [] )

Settle in for a fabulous longform conversation about audio fiction.

Special thanks are due to Betsey Palmer of Hartlife, who recorded this entire dang thing. You're my hero, B.

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