Chapter 169. Knee deep in Swedes

Chapter 169. Knee deep in Swedes

By Steve Hogarth

We are caught between a meatball and a clotted cream scone this week, with Ant squirrelled away in a corner of Devon and me in Sweden for a couple of weeks.

It seems like an age since we last recorded one of these, so we eased ourselves back into the podcasting swing by catching up with my recent off-mic activities and reflecting on my recent natural show in Liverpool.

And as a special treat the legend that is Lucy Jordache is on hand to tidy up some of the debris from Chapter 168 and generally sprinkle a light dusting of competence & clarity that The Corona Diaries (see what I did there) aspires to, but tends to lack - especially on the right-hand-side of stereo ...where I tend to reside.

Keep on rocking and er.. Rickrolling..



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