A Conversation with the Creators of Edge of a Dream: An Opera About Ada Lovelace

A Conversation with the Creators of Edge of a Dream: An Opera About Ada Lovelace

By LA Opera

Some people have lives that simply cry out to be turned into books, movies, graphic novels, songs... maybe even operas. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852)—considered to be the "mother of computer science"—was one of them. This fall, Ada’s story will be told in operatic form in Edge of a Dream, a new work by composer Juhi Bansal and librettist Neil Aitken. It's LA Opera Connects’ newest Secondary In-School Opera, created to be rehearsed, assembled and performed online over a five-week period by students from ten local high schools.  As if that weren't cool enough, Ada Lovelace Day is today, October 13th. It is an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and math (S.T.E.M.), and we're joining in by releasing this conversation on Edge of a Dream with the creators (Bansal and Aitken) and the director, Eli Villanueva. Looking for more Ada content? You can read an interview with Bansal and Aiken about the project here: https://www.laopera.org/discover/la-opera-content/edge-of-a-dream/
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