E647 Ask Nick - The Man I Want to Marry Never Wants to Get Married

E647 Ask Nick - The Man I Want to Marry Never Wants to Get Married

By Nick Viall

Welcome back to another episode of The Viall Files: Ask Nick Edition! We’re back to answer your burning questions about the world of dating and relationships. Before getting to our callers, we talk Nick’s butt, Dave & Buster’s, and helicopter parents. We also read a submission from someone who wants to shoot their shot with their neighbor but isn’t sure what to do. We have an extremely in depth discussion on various tactics she could use. We then get to our callers. 

Our first caller is dating the man she wants to marry, who never wants to get married. As the child of parents who had a messy divorce, our caller’s partner doesn’t want to repeat mistakes, but our caller is certain marriage is something she needs in a long-term relationship. She’s not sure if one of them will compromise, or if she’ll have to walk away. Our second caller is wondering if she’s self sabotaging her relationship, or if he’s just not her person. She’s only been in this relationship for a month, but has known this person for 6 years, and feels that there is something off. She wants to know if she’s overthinking it, or if it’s something deeper. Our final caller is not sure whether she should make things work with the father of her child, or give up once and for all. She’s not able to support herself and would have to move back home if they broke up, but she doesn’t know if the relationship is salvageable. 

“*Cough cough* Kevin Costner’s ex-wife.” 

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If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! 

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E647 Ask Nick - The Man I Want to Marry Never Wants to Get Married
E647 Ask Nick - The Man I Want to Marry Never Wants to Get Married
The Viall Files