OSB x Forest Essentials - The Incredible Benefits of Ayurverda

OSB x Forest Essentials - The Incredible Benefits of Ayurverda

By Global Media & Entertainment

* This Episode is in Partnership with Forest Essentials *

Beauty is no longer just about putting a product on your face and expecting miraculous results the next morning. We're so much more educated about the holistic approach we need to take, with what we put into our bodies being just as important as what we put on our skin. We also know that looking after our stress levels and moving our bodies also contribute greatly to the glow that we covet.

It's for this reason that I'm so excited to do an episode with Forest Essentials. This incredible Indian brand has holistic beauty and the ancient traditions of Ayurverda running through everything that it does. When you buy beauty products from them you are also entering a world of health, wellbeing, truly stunning ingredients and guidance, with Ayurverda experts both instore and online to help you understand yourself and your health better and to help you choose the products that are right for you.

During the episode I chat to the incredible Dr Shweta who is not only a surgeon but an expert in Ayurverdic Medicine. Dr Shweta explains how Ayurverda works and why it is so important to her to bring it to as many people as possible. She goes on to explain why she has chosen to work with Forest Essentials and what she loves about them.

I also chat to Sanya Dawar who is the Head of Communications and Marketing at Forest Essentials. She's been there since the start and is so incredibly passionate about everything that they do and stand for. She gives a great insight into why the brand is so special.

Finally, I talk about some of the products that I love and why I think that Forest Essentials is a truly magical brand that is worth a really good exploration.

Their incredible Covent Garden Store can be found at 28 James Street, Covent Garden, London.

Here's a link to their UK website

and check them out on Insta too
OSB x Forest Essentials - The Incredible Benefits of Ayurverda
OSB x Forest Essentials - The Incredible Benefits of Ayurverda
Outspoken Beauty