A power vacuum in Washington and chaos in the Middle East

A power vacuum in Washington and chaos in the Middle East

By Global

Just one week ago Kevin McCarthy was booted unceremoniously out of his job as House Speaker.

No one could have foreseen then how different the world would look four days later when Hamas wreaked tragedy across Israel. Now there’s a power vacuum in Washington and an unfolding catastrophe in the Middle East. What power does America have to help?

Biden U-turns and starts to build more border wall in the South - with cries of hypocrisy from the right and anger from parts of his own party in the left.

And later - the rise of another Kennedy? Robert Kennedy Junior - conspiracist and now independent candidate for the presidency - thinks he can win. Blimey.

Editor: Gabriel Radus

Producer: Laura FitzPatrick

Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

Video Producer: Will Gibson-Smith

You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents USA".

A power vacuum in Washington and chaos in the Middle East
A power vacuum in Washington and chaos in the Middle East
The News Agents - USA